Execution Is The Mother of All Strategy

This topic has been more or less like a school of thought for me which I would like to shed more light on it.

It does not matter how lofty, smart, or strategic your ideas are; if they are not acted upon, nothing comes to pass. You will also find out that you are not rewarded for your good intentions nor good deeds.

If I am to find another title for what I am about to share it will be: DO IT NOW!

Overcome procrastination! Take that step, read that book, write that book, make that call, reach out to that prospect you have been struggling to follow up regarding your business. Eat the frog; the task that appears to be most daunting and demanding, confront it. Deal with that issue this week, don't procrastinate anymore.

My mentor often says that 'a thousand good intentions are not as powerful as one good action', and nothing could be truer than that. And this is why I encourage you to stop ‘intending to’. You have got so much insight and information, it is time to act on them; enough of planning.

One of the things I discovered several years ago is the fact that nothing births regret in one's life as knowing so much and doing too little or nothing at all. Regrets begin to set in when you come to realize that there are people who know so little or not as much as you do but are doing so much and are producing significant results.

What then separates the successful from the failure is in what they do.
My advice to you is to quit procrastination and embrace challenge; act on your dream, ideas, knowledge; Do It Now! When you act on the things you have learnt, then will you retain a larger percentage of them and you will be separated from the rest of the pack.

If there is anything you must remember today, it is for you to DO IT NOW. And always remember, you are rewarded for what you do and not necessarily for what you intended. People do not like you because of what you intended to do; your customers will not fall in love with you because of your great intention, they fall in love with you for your great actions, and great deeds.

Begin to ACT as from today then you will see a big difference in your life and business. I have said this time and again, the people we consider to be very successful are not necessarily smarter, they only act consistently on their dreams based on their visions, goals and strategies.

So, go out there this week, and execute your goals!